Monday, August 25, 2008

Bogor Asinan

1/8 pc papaya
1/8 pc pineapple
1/2 pc jicamah (bengkuang)
1/2 pc mango
1/2 pc red potato
1 table spoon fried peanuts
1 pc noodle crispy
1 tablespoon chilli
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 sdt salt
2 tablespoon venegar
150 ml water

1. Peel papaya, pineapple, jicamah (bengkuang) , mango and red potato. Wash and thinly sliced
2. Arrange the fruits slices in to a shallow bowl
3. Blended chilli, venegar, salt, sugar and water
4. Pour to the fruit
5. Sprinkle fried peanuts on the top
6. Served with noodle crispy

photo by leon

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