Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prince Koteng Ice

2 pcs fresh lychee. Diced
1 tablespoon sweet corn
1 tablespoon sweet potato
1 tablespoon mushroom
1 tablespoon white mushroom
1 tablespoon red jelly. Diced
1 tablespoon green jelly. Diced
1 tablespoon white been
1 tablespoon kolang kaling
1/2 glass sugar water
1/4 glass pandanese water
1/2 glass dry ice

1. Steam all the ingredients like sweet corn, sweet potato, white mushroom, mushroom, kolang kaling and white bean. Removed
2. Add lychee, jelly and all the steamed ingredients in the bowl
3. Pour with pandanese water and sugar water
4. Pour dry ice
5. Served cool

photo by atik lestari

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